First off, we need the back story. I take off my wedding ring when I take a shower, do the dishes, etc. so as it doesn't slip off. Tracie does the same thing. Now Tracie has been known to do a little trickery on me from time to time by taking my ring and hiding it. I have never once exacted payback on her.....
Friday, November 9th, 2012. approx. 10:20 am
It's my day off and Tracie has to be at work at 11. While she's been getting ready for work I've been working on the laundry. I finish up switching loads and walk back to the bedroom where Tracie is finishing up getting ready for work. As I walk into the bedroom I see Tracie digging through my bathroom drawer. In a voice of high irritation she says, "Honey!" Oh no, what's wrong? The only thing in that drawer really is my razor, deodorant, and my nail clippers. I have no idea what could be wrong until she says, "Give me back my ring!"
Her ring? I don't have her ring, do I? I try to think back and I recall her giving her ring to me before she took a shower, but that was 2 days ago. "I don't have it.", I tell her. Of course, she does not believe me. It's not until she sees me looking and moving stuff around on the bathroom counter that believes me. And for the record, I honestly, truly, did NOT take it.
I can see the panic start to set in on her face. She always leaves her ring on the counter and she can't figure out what happened to it. I can, though. Pita (For those who don't know, Pita is our cat who is aptly named because he is a Pain In The ***) often gets up there and bats my ring around and has even knocked it off the counter a time or two. So I get down on my knees and begin searching underneath the cabinets, certain that I'm going to find it there. Nope. Still not worried. It's laundry day and we have several piles of seperated laundry on the floor. I start looking through those, certain that I'm going to find it there. Nope. Still not worried. Pita probably just carried it across the room in his mouth as he does with his little toy mice all the time. I start looking through the other piles of laundry, under the bed, under the dresser, behind the tv stand. Nope. Starting to worry now.
Tracie's in full on panic mode. I'm remaining calm, thinking she just left it on the kitchen counter instead. I'm remaining calm thinking she just left it at her parents house when she went to take care of her horses the day before. I'm remaining calm while I'm looking through the dirt and the leaves outside thinking it may have fallen off when she was playing with Beamer this morning. I'm remaining calm when I'm tearing apart the living room looking for it when I know it's not going to be there. I'm remaining calm when I'm preparing myself to sift through cat and dog poop all afternoon because she's afraid one of them ate it.
Where the heck can this damn thing be? Tracie's going to be late for work if she doesn't leave soon, so I make a last ditch effort and start digging through her purse to find it. And that's when......
"OH MY GOD!", I hear Tracie yell from the bedroom. I come running in, she has her ring in her hand and she's laughing. IT WAS ON THE COUNTER THE WHOLE TIME! Turns out it was underneath her foundation pad. I moved everything on that counter looking for it EXCEPT THE DAMN MAKEUP! Now she is convinced that I was playing a joke on her. I swear to her that I wasn't. I wouldn't have dragged it out that long and made her late from work.
So let that be a lesson to you kids. You'll always find something in the last place you look for it.
Friday, November 9th, 2012. approx. 10:20 am
It's my day off and Tracie has to be at work at 11. While she's been getting ready for work I've been working on the laundry. I finish up switching loads and walk back to the bedroom where Tracie is finishing up getting ready for work. As I walk into the bedroom I see Tracie digging through my bathroom drawer. In a voice of high irritation she says, "Honey!" Oh no, what's wrong? The only thing in that drawer really is my razor, deodorant, and my nail clippers. I have no idea what could be wrong until she says, "Give me back my ring!"
Her ring? I don't have her ring, do I? I try to think back and I recall her giving her ring to me before she took a shower, but that was 2 days ago. "I don't have it.", I tell her. Of course, she does not believe me. It's not until she sees me looking and moving stuff around on the bathroom counter that believes me. And for the record, I honestly, truly, did NOT take it.
I can see the panic start to set in on her face. She always leaves her ring on the counter and she can't figure out what happened to it. I can, though. Pita (For those who don't know, Pita is our cat who is aptly named because he is a Pain In The ***) often gets up there and bats my ring around and has even knocked it off the counter a time or two. So I get down on my knees and begin searching underneath the cabinets, certain that I'm going to find it there. Nope. Still not worried. It's laundry day and we have several piles of seperated laundry on the floor. I start looking through those, certain that I'm going to find it there. Nope. Still not worried. Pita probably just carried it across the room in his mouth as he does with his little toy mice all the time. I start looking through the other piles of laundry, under the bed, under the dresser, behind the tv stand. Nope. Starting to worry now.
Tracie's in full on panic mode. I'm remaining calm, thinking she just left it on the kitchen counter instead. I'm remaining calm thinking she just left it at her parents house when she went to take care of her horses the day before. I'm remaining calm while I'm looking through the dirt and the leaves outside thinking it may have fallen off when she was playing with Beamer this morning. I'm remaining calm when I'm tearing apart the living room looking for it when I know it's not going to be there. I'm remaining calm when I'm preparing myself to sift through cat and dog poop all afternoon because she's afraid one of them ate it.
Where the heck can this damn thing be? Tracie's going to be late for work if she doesn't leave soon, so I make a last ditch effort and start digging through her purse to find it. And that's when......
"OH MY GOD!", I hear Tracie yell from the bedroom. I come running in, she has her ring in her hand and she's laughing. IT WAS ON THE COUNTER THE WHOLE TIME! Turns out it was underneath her foundation pad. I moved everything on that counter looking for it EXCEPT THE DAMN MAKEUP! Now she is convinced that I was playing a joke on her. I swear to her that I wasn't. I wouldn't have dragged it out that long and made her late from work.
So let that be a lesson to you kids. You'll always find something in the last place you look for it.
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