
So, I'm sitting here watching the NBA Finals on ABC, stupid Lakers are winning, and it's halftime, and it's a commercial, and I'm on my computer, so I'm really not paying attention. For some reason, though, I turn my head to take a gander at the tv. It's one of those cleverly done ABC commercials that have the actors from all of their best shows living in a house together. The commercial has Patrick Dempsey from Grey's Anatomy, Ed O'Neil from Modern Family (Some new show starting this fall), Courteney Cox from Cougar Town (Some new show starting this fall), and some dude with a buzz cut that I don't really know playing foosball. Then the buzz cut dude speaks. HOLY CRAP! IT'S DOMINIC MONAGHAN! That's Charlie from Lost, but I'm assuming most of you already know that. What kind of new show is he on? I look it up...nothing. I rewind back to the commercial, thank goodness for dvr, and listen to the dialogue. Patrick Dempsey, toward the end of the commercial, says to Dominic "You're dead.", in a competitive foosball manner. In which Monaghan replies, "I was."

So let's try to put this all together. DM isn't in any new ABC show this fall, so he must be returning to Lost! He clearly stated that he WAS dead in the commercial. Is Charlie alive? Did Jack/Juliet setting off the bomb really change the future? THIS IS HUGE! Let me know what you think?


  1. yeah. of course they changed the course of the future. charlie's back, driveshaft's gonna become immensely popular again, and jack's still gonna be an ass.

  2. My are so observant! I have seen that commercial several times, but not really paying a lot of attention to it and never noticed DM. Now, I can't wait to see the commercial again and how long do we have to wait for LOST? Probably too long.........


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